Free PDF Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)

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As a student moves from basic calculus courses into upper-division courses in linear and abstract algebra, real and complex analysis, number theory, topology, and so on, a "bridge" course can help ensure a smooth transition. Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs is a textbook intended for such a course, or for self-study. This book introduces an array of fundamental mathematical structures. It also explores the delicate balance of intuition and rigor—and the flexible thinking—required to prove a nontrivial result. In short, this book seeks to enhance the mathematical maturity of the reader. The new material in this second edition includes a section on graph theory, several new sections on number theory (including primitive roots, with an application to card-shuffling), and a brief introduction to the complex numbers (including a section on the arithmetic of the Gaussian integers). Solutions for even numbered exercises are available on for instructors adopting the text for a course. From a review of the first edition: "...Gerstein wants—very gently—to teach his students to think. He wants to show them how to wrestle with a problem (one that is more sophisticated than "plug and chug"), how to build a solution, and ultimately he wants to teach the students to take a statement and develop a way to prove it...Gerstein writes with a certain flair that I think students will find appealing. ...I am confident that a student who works through Gerstein's book will really come away with (i) some mathematical technique, and (ii) some mathematical knowledge….Gerstein’s book states quite plainly that the text is designed for use in a transitions course. Nothing benefits a textbook author more than having his goals clearly in mind, and Gerstein’s book achieves its goals. I would be happy to use it in a transitions course.†—Steven Krantz, American Mathematical Monthly Introduction to Algorithms 3rd Edition (MIT Press ... Some books on algorithms are rigorous but incomplete; others cover masses of material but lack rigor. Introduction to Algorithms uniquely combines rigor and ... Four-letter Course Codes-Undergraduate - Academic Catalogs The following is a listing of all undergraduate course codes. Click on the four-letter code to review the undergraduate courses within that discipline. To Logic Programming - FreeTechBooks An Introduction to Logic Programming Through Prolog. Post date: 25 Oct 2004 Introduces logic programming combining three essential components: the declarative nature ... Fundamentals of Model Theory - Department of Mathematics 1 Introduction Model Theory is the part of mathematics which shows how to apply logic to the study of structures in pure mathematics. On the one hand it is the ultimate Course Descriptions - Undergraduate - Catalog Course Descriptions - Undergraduate. All course descriptions carry behind the name and number a parenthesis ( ) indicating the credit hours lecture hours and the ... Mathematical logic - Wikipedia Mathematical logic is a subfield of mathematics exploring the applications of formal logic to mathematics. It bears close connections to metamathematics the ... Mathematics Course Descriptions Mathematics and ... MATH 051 - Mathematics Co-op Work Term Four-month co-op work term approved by the department and arranged by the co-op coordinator. MATH 052 - Mathematics Co-op Work Term Group (mathematics) - Wikipedia [T]he axioms for a group are short and natural... Yet somehow hidden behind these axioms is the monster simple group a huge and extraordinary mathematical object ... Books in the Mathematical Sciences This site is intended as a resource for university students in the mathematical sciences. Books are recommended on the basis of readability and other pedagogical value. Mathbuntu Instant access to free mathematical software Welcome to Mathbuntu* where Mathematics and (K/L)ubuntu come together. The goal of is to provide easy access to the best open source mathematics ...
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